Website Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Your Privacy is our Priority

At MedBill RCM, safeguarding your privacy is fundamental to our operations. As a leading provider of healthcare financial management solutions, we are committed to transparency regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “personal data” refers to any information that can identify an individual, such as name, address, email, phone number, or any other information covered under relevant privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).

This Privacy Policy applies to all users of the MedBill RCM website (“you”) whose personal data is collected or processed by us. Our aim is to ensure you are well-informed about how we handle your personal data.

Categories of Data Processed:

Data You Provide

During your interaction with the MedBill RCM website, you may provide information about yourself and your practice, including contact details, scheduling information, and billing information. This data is solely utilized by our team to facilitate our services to you.

Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

When you visit the MedBill RCM website, we gather information such as your IP address, browser details, and device information through cookies and similar technologies. This data helps us analyze and enhance our marketing efforts and website functionality.


As we continuously strive to improve our services, we may introduce new data collection methods or usage practices. In such cases, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy accordingly and notify you of any changes.

Data Sharing:

We may share your data with affiliated research and development entities to enhance our services. Rest assured, comprehensive confidentiality agreements are in place to protect your personal data. Additionally, we may provide anonymized aggregate information to third parties for analytical purposes.

Mandatory Disclosures:

In certain circumstances, we may be obligated to disclose your personal data in accordance with legal requirements or to safeguard our operations and the interests of our users.

Your Rights:

Right to Deletion:

You can request the deletion of your personal data, subject to verification. However, we may retain certain data as required by law or for legitimate business purposes.

Right to Access:

You have the right to access your personal data held by MedBill RCM, upon verification.

Other Rights:

You can request details about the categories of personal data we collect and the third parties with whom we share your data.